

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Playing OPTION PLAY is the place to begin

Last night was my "first" event to share OPTION PLAY and ENTER THE CAVE.  I want to thank Book Culture

for providing the place for me to host, and the attendees for coming.  The majority of folks who came have known me, and have been instrumental in the success of this project.  This event gave me the opportunity to share progress with them.  And, we had one new person from a program which will become a new direction for users of my games.

Today has been an opportunity to debrief, look at what could be a better representation of what I want, and setting up my calendar for the next month.

I realize that playing the games, at this time, is the place to start.  The experience of playing leads to examining the value of my games.  So, to successfully play and discuss requires a streamlined and comfortable spot.  That will be one of the first things I need to find.

Then, I need to determine pricing.  This is new.  Also, putting together the presentation of the game for retail and for training.

This all begins with me and who I am.  It is so difficult to acknowledge that.  I keep looking for the person in the polished suit with the 40 years of experience and the Power Point presentation.  But, that person did not have the idea for these games, or put the work in, talk with the people, learn from the students who shared their scenarios, invest in the EMC, or take the chances necessary for progress to happen.  That would be me.

A possibility...putting these on Amazon with a link here so you can buy them.  What do you think?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

More Will Be Revealed

Today, it has felt like riding atop a dolphin or whale.  Not much for me to hold onto, great view and moving fast with moments of being completely overwhelmed.  Except, there is something for me to hold onto--I have developed it from hours of reading and doing.  I guess it is just my dramatic flair that needs to come out periodically.

  • I am so lucky and blessed.

  • Today or tomorrow I am going to receive 200 prototype OPTION PLAY card games.  Diva Design is such a blessing!!
  • A young man named Edward is going to ask about what I have been doing and perhaps I can provide something useful to him in his journey.
  • Monday, I will host a play event for OPTION PLAY and ENTER THE CAVE. This endeavor encompasses so many people, and so much work!  It is my 1st event and I am excited to get to the other side!
  • I am setting up a meeting with Manhattanville College to play, and meet with Residential Life staff.
  • More questions are popping up:  how to develop an OPTION PLAY for Residential Life programs to use in training X how many colleges???
  • When is the PLAY ENTER THE CAVE going to happen?
More will be revealed....

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Playing for Keeps in College

"Going to college can just be an extension of a high or low powered high school experience, or it can be the opportunity to try new things.  Games invite players to take risks, face fears, but still have control.  Combining the discomfort of different with the relevancy of real scenarios through the medium of game playing lets everyone be a winner." (Genevieve Griffin, 9/11/15)

I was greatly inspired by what I read in Frank Bruni's Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be,
"But too many kids get to college and try to collapse it, to make it as comfortable and recognizable as possible.  They replicate the friends and friendships they've previously enjoyed.  They join groups that perpetuate their high school cliques.  Concerned with establishing a "network," they seek out peers with aspirations identical to their own. In doing so, they frequently default to a clannishness that too easily becomes a lifelong habit...
Now more than ever, college needs to be an expansive adventure, propelling students toward unplumbed territory and untested identities rather than indulging and flattering who they already are." (p.112-113)

What am I looking to gain from this first event?  It will be the FIRST event, and I am ready to play.  I wonder if my assumptions are true.  Actually, I know they are true.  I know this because when I listen to high school students and then, college students, I see the choices and listen to people talk about trying things, getting frustrated when the other people do not react the way they want, getting happy when they seem to get it right.  Figuring out how to work through uncomfortable situations brought about by living with other people in close confines provides a lot of learning.  Negotiating successfully through something that looks as simple as a differences in bedtime and wake up time can give a person a sense of confidence and calm that pays off hugely in other areas of their lives.  Sure, a student may be able to say they can do well on a test or write a great essay, but can they apply that to an actual life challenge?

So, I am laboring on the Event Brite invitation.  Soon, it will be finished and out.  My FIRST event will happen.

Are you coming?