

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Small Steps

Ideas are great for me; they grow like weeds.  And then I write them down and they stick together and things grow--like weeds.  Then, I need to explain how they work to other people.  Sometimes it gets sticky, but often it works.  It is very satisfying when it works.  It is especially satisfying when someone doing something connected to my ideas says they make sense and my concept works.  Does this sound familiar?  I think we probably have all felt this way.

So, I just finished reading Three Steps from Gold.  The guy who does most of the front end work on the book asks lots of very successful people about how they got through trials and challenges to find success.  Guess what?  They all have great ideas.  Their ideas grow like weeds.  Sometimes it gets sticky, but often it works.  It is very satisfying when it works.  And, sometimes it takes years to work.  And, even more importantly, they find people who believe in them to share their ideas with, and to connect to.  That is the "sticky" I'm looking for.

Life isn't about the big jumps I think; it's about the small steps that lead to the big steps that lead to the big jumps.  When I was skiing a couple of weeks ago I was removed from the small steps enough where I could observe myself and not focus on each 6 inches of snow (no more death wedge).  And, I kept wondering "how am I able to do this?"  And, for a brief moment I actually thought about skiing in the trees with Michael (briefly).

The Toolbox Conference will happen on March 25th.  I may have 6 attendees or I may have 50 attendees; but whoever comes will get a lot out of my sticky ideas.  Yesterday my friend Anne gave me lots of great feedback and support, which has already made the conference better.  And, my son has recently told me I can't do this alone.  Good advice.  I'm glad I have him and his sisters to make sure my materials aren't lame.  I can begin to see that I am going to "go places."  Experience does that for a person.  And, people to share your ideas with.

I filled out an online form the other day to check my experience and salary against others in the US to see how on par I am.  I don't earn any money at the moment, I do get to bring my dog to work, I have a flexible schedule and I travel.  And, I realized that I have amassed 10 years of teaching experience (and people with similar experience in the US are earning $50,000 per year on average).  A pittance for preparing our children for all of the challenges of living in such a complicated world.  Something is not balanced about that.

I wonder if all of those other people get to bring their dog to work?

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