And, then, there is trust -- of which I have little. To be successful one needs to trust, and that is so, so, so hard for me. It is a large symptom of being a control freak. It is counter to my self. It gets in the way of my creativity, and of me helping. Sometimes, I just need to help. That is part of a plan larger than I. And, I need to believe that I am providing something valuable, and helpful. Just believe it, just believe it and not let the questions and comments throw me off course.
I am working on marketing ONE SCENE AT A TIME. First, however, I need a name that does not sound like an improv game. This is a game that is both hilarious to play and that will leave players better prepared to successfully transition to college. This game will be a great gift to buy for high school seniors and new college students because just reading through the scenarios will prepare players -- playing is like icing on the cake. I wonder if a name about ALARM CLOCKS is good because getting up, getting to class, getting to a job, is so important. It is ALARMINGLY IMPORTANT! If one doesn't learn how to master awaking, getting in the shower or having that first cup of coffee/tea/something, then all of the wonderful opportunities in the world can exist but will gather dust.
More current questions are: how much is it going to cost to make some prototypes for my gig at Book Culture in September? Low expectation is 4 players show up, high expectation is 200 players show up. How many prototypes do I need? And, who is going to be my celebrity endorser? I am reading Frank Bruni's new book Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be. Maybe I should have tea with him! Does anyone know Amanda Seyfried? Does anyone have suggestions that would move them to pick up the box with my game? I briefly entertained the idea of Mr. T ("I pity the fool who is not prepared for college...") but find myself feeling intimidated by the idea.
So, back to my table with my focus intact. I am not opposed to attracting challenges or growth opportunities. I do not want to attract negativity or gossip. I do want to attract success and bigger dreams than I can currently imagine.
What are you focusing on right now?
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