

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Busy and Focused

I am building it, to continue from my last post.  I guess the saying is "if you have something to do give it to a busy person."  This week I have been supporting my daughter as she completes her History Day competition entry, helping my other daughter study for French (I don't speak French so you can imagine how I am slaughtering pronunciation), trying to stay on top of the administration for our home-school coop, trying to be patient waiting for college application decisions for my son, trying to read a couple of books, going through helpful articles in Inc. Magazine and trying to surrender to the inspiration and joy I feel listening to Mumford and Sons' I Will Wait For You.   And don't forget walking the dogs, making dinner, washing dishes, etc.  Suffice it to say, TO GET FOCUSED GET BUSY.  At least for the moment, until I switch over to needing a meditation break.

I am thrilled to see the number of people checking out my blog growing, and also growing internationally!  I wonder what is interesting in these pages?  I hope this design process brings questions or connections.  I wonder if those of you in Russia or Germany or Hong Kong or India or any of the other very cool places find something of interest here?  I wonder where in the United States people are from?  Do you have a student ready to apply to college?  Or, a love of the Grateful Dead or Mumford and Sons?  Or an interest in improving the education system?

This is a photo of what I am working on right now.  It has come from a list of characteristics that students or people in general might use to define themselves within a context.  Right now I am just using Familiar/Unfamiliar as my context but I am moving to something more specific.  And, I have laid out a board to track how quickly a player can move on a simulated campus.  But that is for another day...

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