I am having an adult focus group tomorrow with a group of wonderful adults who have been in this adventure from the beginning! One is a documentary filmmaker whose work I need to put up in my list of useful links. One is a homeschool mentor, who is positive and peaceful. One has ended a career as an education reporter. One is a skier and game maker. One is a journalist. One is a strong, articulate person who makes me marvel at whatever she does. Everyone is a parent and someone who helps the world evolve toward a better place for all of us to be.
Our work tomorrow is to play the most recent incarnation of One Scene at a Time, formerly Risk It. We will learn how to play it, rip it to shreds, talk about it and I will try to find college students to give it a go, as they are the ones who I would want to use this.
Later, I will have a catch up Skype call to learn about my Emergent Media Center team's work on concepts for Enter the Cave.
And, now I am looking for focus group participants for Look Where You Are Going. It is for high school students who think college would be a good direction. And, that is where a new idea has been planted! I got an email from KHAN ACADEMY. I have been invited to become a Khan Academy AMBASSADOR!! No matter that this offer has probably been sent out to a few others; the important thing is that it was sent NOW to me. What a wonderful connection! So, I have decided to offer a class called LEARNING HOW TO SELECT A COLLEGE through Khan Academy. The lovely thing about Sal Khan's creation is that anyone with a computer can use it, right? So, if you know someone who is interested in taking LEARNING HOW TO SELECT A COLLEGE, please open a Khan Academy account and find:
Class code: 78VR3J
It may work more easily if you go onto www.khanacademy/a/genevievegriffin
Oh yes, then I just finished reading TRIBES by Seth Godi. Are you, dear blog reader, a member of my tribe? I believe everyone has a right to education that has a good fit. My thinking is a bit out of the box. I love listening to people's stories. I believe we are all connected. I have little patience in doing something just because we are told to, unless I can unearth the reason why. I believe we are connected by that reason, why.